Swim For The Win

competitive swimmingEveryone knows that swimming is a great way to stay in shape, though most of us only do it during the summer months for fun. It tests your endurance and strength in ways that no other exercise or sport can and causes virtually no risk of injury. There is no impact on your joints, which makes it ideal for people of all ages and those in all physical ability levels. Therefore, the idea of swimming on a competitive level is appealing to a lot of people. Especially if you add in the different types of competitive swimming competitions that are available to swimmers.

Why Swimming is the Ideal Sport

open water swimmingOne of the main reasons that people pursue swimming as a sport or exercise is simply the fact that it is enjoyable to do. It is calming for some to be weightless and relaxed in the water, but it can also be invigorating if the water is cool. There is also the fact that it is ideal for a good cardio workout. Water provides you with a natural resistance, so every slight movement is going to work out your muscles in bigger ways than they would outside of the water. This builds strength in weakened muscles and gives your heart a reason to pump a little harder. This extra resistance will also make you breathe a little harder which could help your lungs stay healthier.

Competitive Swimming

swim runTypically, you may think of competitive swimming as what you see on television during the Summer Olympics. Swimmers are in a pool and doing laps as quickly as possible, tagging off with their teammates to try and take home the win. This is one form of competition, but there are others. Open water swimming allows you to swim in open water and then you have different competitions for people who want to swim using different techniques such as the backstroke, breaststroke, and butterfly. Swimming may also be competitive when used alongside another type of sport, such as a swim-run where a team of two takes turns swimming and running to get to the finish of the race.

What Type of Swimmer are You?

To prepare for competitive swimming, you have to spend a lot of time getting into good shape. You have to be fast and able to go the distance, whether you are in a pool or in a lake. In non-competitive swimming, you simply have to be willing to reach your goals and anyone can swim quickly if they want to. When doing it competitively, you will want to be as streamlined as possible to ensure that you get every burst of speed that you can. This is why swimmers are hairless and wear the right types of bathing suits or speedos along with hair caps to cover their hair. When speed matters, you do not want anything to slow you down. To swim as an exercise that you enjoy doing, you do not have to worry about speed. You simply have to worry about pushing yourself to do a little better than you did yesterday. Which do you prefer?


Swim Team Season Kickoff Party

As the swim competition season kicks off in early spring, it marks an exciting time for swimmers and their communities. For many, the start of the swim season also signals the opening of local pools, where teams begin their training in earnest. The shift from indoor training to outdoor pools is always a highly anticipated event, with athletes and families eager to embrace the warmer weather. It’s a time of renewed energy, teamwork, and community involvement. To celebrate the beginning of the season, many communities host events such as BBQs or parties, bringing swimmers, families, and supporters together to kick off the competition season.

Training for the Swim Team and the Opening of Pools

The swim team’s training for the upcoming competition season generally begins in early spring, as pools open up after the colder months. Swimmers spend this time conditioning their bodies, refining their techniques, and building endurance to prepare for the races ahead. Early spring training often focuses on stroke technique, starts, turns, and breathing patterns, along with increasing the swimmers’ stamina through distance sets and interval training. The team’s goal is to build a solid foundation before the competitive season heats up in the summer months. As the weather warms, many communities open their outdoor pools, and this marks the true beginning of the season. Swimmers are often thrilled to return to outdoor training, and the opening of the pools serves as a visual cue that the competitive swim season has begun.

To mark this exciting occasion, many communities organize social events to bring together not only the swim team but also their families, friends, and supporters. The most common event to celebrate the opening of the season is a BBQ or party. These gatherings serve as a way for the community to come together, enjoy good food, and foster team spirit. It’s a perfect way to celebrate the hard work ahead and welcome the new season with a sense of camaraderie.

Best Dishes to Bring

When it comes to potlucks or BBQs, people typically bring dishes that are easy to share and fit the outdoor setting. Grilled meats, such as burgers, hot dogs, chicken, and sausages, are always a popular choice. These can be served with a variety of side dishes like potato salad, coleslaw, baked beans, or grilled vegetables, which are perfect for pairing with the main courses. For those who prefer lighter options, fresh salads made with crisp greens, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, and dressing are great choices. For dessert, fruit salads, cookies, or brownies are often brought to add a sweet touch to the meal. Many families also bring finger foods, such as chips and dip or skewered veggies, to make it easy for guests to grab a bite between conversations.

Fire Up The Grill

When hosting a BBQ, having the right equipment is key, and one of the most important components of any grill is the cooking grates. Stainless vs cast iron grates are two of the most popular options, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Stainless steel grates are known for their durability, ease of maintenance, and resistance to rust. They heat up quickly and can provide a nice sear on meats. However, they tend to lose heat more quickly than cast iron and may not maintain an even cooking temperature as consistently. On the other hand, cast iron grates are prized for their ability to retain heat, providing a consistent, even cooking temperature. This makes them ideal for slow cooking or achieving a perfect sear on meats. Cast iron does require more maintenance, as it can rust if not properly seasoned and cared for, but it is generally more durable and longer-lasting than stainless steel.

The start of the swim competition season in early spring is an exciting time for swimmers and communities alike. Training for the swim team intensifies as outdoor pools open, and the season officially begins. To celebrate this event, many communities host BBQs or parties, where swimmers, families, and supporters gather to enjoy good food and camaraderie. Popular dishes for these events include grilled meats, salads, and desserts, providing everyone with delicious options to enjoy after a hard season of training. Choosing the right grill grates, whether stainless steel or cast iron, is important for the perfect BBQ, as each type offers unique benefits to enhance the cooking experience. Ultimately, the opening of the swim season is a time for both physical preparation and community celebration.

Capturing The River In A Table

We all have things that we are passionate about. It may be cars or planes, collecting snow globes, or other things. In the world of swimmers, they all share one unique and passionate love. It’s a love that goes well beyond displaying medals, awards, and other keepsakes. It is the love of water, which many try to keep around them even when they are not making laps. They are the perfect people to discover capturing the river in a table!

For the Love of Swim

Ask any Olympic swimmer how much time they spend in the pool and most will laugh. To keep up with their practice, most will swim for an hour or two each day. They likely have a swimming pool at home, one at the gym, and maybe access to a heated pool for the winter months.

You also have to think about the long-distance swimmers. How do they practice throughout the year? How do they show their love of the sport? They swim in rivers. They swim in the ocean. They take to the water in whatever way they can. These swimmers do not have an actual “Place”. Therefore, they may create one.

Water Everywhere

Anyone can enjoy showing off what they love the most. For a long-distance swimmer, they can show their love of water by creating it. One idea is to create a river type area in their yard rather than a swimming pool. Another way to show what they are most passionate about may involve displaying a river table.

This river table can represent not only the river that they love to swim in most, but it can also be a place for them to set their trophies, medals, and other keepsakes. These tables are easy to create if you buy specialized epoxy used for river tables. A river table is a unique piece of art. These present a great opportunity for devoted swimmers to work out how they will display the treasures that they have earned.

Choose Displays Wisely

One of the best ways to display your love of rivers is to create a table that is a river. If you are more interested in displaying your medals and achievements, you can still add them in. However, you may want to consider putting your table near a wall where your display case is hanging. Then fill the tabletop with photographs of you doing what you love the most.

If you have only a few metals, you may be able to use a tabletop display. You will have to pick what works best for you. Either way, we think the river tables will be the perfect space for all your “passions” to be displayed.

Swimming with The Luck of The Irish

superstitionsThere are many things that people may feel are a “charm” that brings them luck, safety for their family, and more. In the world of sports, it also carries through. If you talk to players you will see that for every sport that has been played, there are some special items or things that they do as rituals before an important game. They feel it makes them perform better. For that reason, it should not surprise you that there are swimmers who feel that swimming with the luck of the Irish is important for their performance.

The Things We Do for Luck

swimming the english channelFor runners it may be a special pair of socks that they performed well while wearing and now feel that it makes them better. It could be a special jersey number for a football player. One that he may never want to give up. There are prayers said before games. Some players chew grass, watch fishing shows, a special stone that they touch before playing, and more. Runners and swimmers may also have things that they do before hitting the pavement or making a splash. These special things may go well beyond the warm ups and stretches, especially if it is a big event.

Preparing for Big Events

clover bathing suitOne of the greatest accomplishments for a long-distance swimmer is usually associated with swimming across the English Channel. The English Channel is mostly 112-150 miles wide in many areas. This is why people celebrate if they can actually make it across. In order to prepare, a swimmer must put in a lot of hours to train before they ever hit the water. They will typically start off in pools and work their way up to large bodies of water before ever venturing near the Channel. When they feel that they are ready to tackle it, they will want to ensure that luck is definitely on their side. You will see all their unique superstitions come to light. They may say their prayers and even wear a leprechaun outfit to swim in as a way to bring a little Irish luck to their trip across the water.

Bring Your Luck with You

What are some of the things that you feel are lucky for you? Do you have a favorite number, color, or activity that you feel makes your days more successful? Most all people have something that they superstitiously believe to hold value for them. Even if you are only a small-scale swimmer, you can benefit from these little things. If nothing else, it will give you the confidence that you may need in order to get just a little further than you did yesterday. When you are taking part in any part of your life, you will be glad that you have brought your luck with you. It may be a promotion, a job interview, a surgical procedure, or swimming the English Channel along with others. It doesn’t matter if you wear a green bathing suit or need to kiss a piece of rock. Luck will become yours.

Home Swimming Pool Solutions

water exercisesSwimming is a great form of exercise. It can help you stay healthier and in better shape because it is a full body workout with cardio. For a professional swimmer who takes part in swimming competitions, there is nothing better that they can do for themselves than keep on swimming. However, many professional swimmers have to travel to reach the water that they depend on so much. They may drive to a pool or some other body of water, just because they have to stay in good shape. Instead of putting yourself through this, why not consider home swimming pool solutions that could work just as well?

Why Swimmers Must Travel

pool exercising with noodlesNot every swimmer can afford to have a large, Olympic sized, swimming pool in their back yard. They are expensive, and most can only be used a few months out of the year. Swimmers need more time in the water than that and they also need a pool that is ready for them to jump in when they are able. They don’t want to deal with the expense of not only the pool, but the chemicals, and the time that is required to let chemicals sit before they can get into the water. For many, it is purely more convenient to travel to the water; even if it means that they must travel an hour, or two, to spend a little time in the water.

A Better Swimming Solution

weights and poolAll pools will require chemicals and there are some pools that close when chemicals are being tested and put in. It is a necessary evil. A swimmer that wants easier access to a pool, does have another option. You can look always into above ground pool reviews to see what is available. These pools are not as large as an in-ground swimming pool, but they can still be effective as a tool for training. There are above ground pools that measure out to be quite large and you can swim around in them some. Where they will provide the most benefit though is in giving you a place to keep your lungs in shape. When you go under the water, even in an above ground pool, you feel the pressure, in your lungs the same that you would in a larger pool. You can also keep your legs strong, by holding the side of the pool and kicking your feet or kneel in the water to keep your arms toned. It may not be a pool that allows you to swim laps for miles, but it can still help you when it is impossible to get to a larger body of water.

Swimming for Fun

If nothing else, having a pool closer to home will allow you to have fun in the pool, outside of training for the next swim competition. It is something that your entire family can enjoy together and all the time in the pool will benefit you by ensuring you are in good shape. Is there a downside to having it closer to home and available when you are ready for a little workout or fun?

Training In Ground Pools For Long Swims

long distance swimmingIt takes a lot of stamina and endurance to swim over long distances and not get worn out before you are half way to your target area. This also means that long distance swimmers have to stay in peak physical health if they want to stay on top of their game. Training is the only way to ensure that they can do what they set out to do, but it is not always easy to get to the training pool. What do swimmers do to stay in shape if they cannot get to a large enough body of water? They look for other ways to stay in shape; only one of which may include training in in-ground pools for long swims.

Why Distance Swimmers Need to Stay in Shape

core workoutsWhen swimming long distances, you have to able to push yourself to the next level with ease. The last thing you want to happen if for a leg or side cramp to set in when you are half way to your goal. It lets you and your team down if you do. The downside is that training does not stop because you have a job, school, family, or other things to deal with. You have to find a way to stay in shape, while doing those other things. Finding the right pool is one excellent way to ensure that you do not spend too much time out of the water.

The Right Pool

large inground swimming poolGenerally speaking, for swimming pools at home, you have a few options. As for shape, you are better off to stick with a regular shaped pool. Average sizes for these are about 14 x 28 feet, with a deepest point of about six feet. This pool size can work, but you will gain more time to perfect your swimming strokes and such if you go bigger. Large pools start at 18ft x 36ft. It can make a lot of difference in helping you to stay in shape or stay ready for the longer swims that you hope to tackle soon. If you want to know about even larger pools, and you have the lawn space for it, there are a lot of pool installers who will be happy to talk to you, especially if you are looking for inground pools Atlanta Ga.

Other Training Methods

Not everyone has room in their yard for a super-sized swimming pool. Therefore, there are other things that you can do to help you through those times when you are not able to dive in. You will want to do anything that will keep your inner core tight and strong, so that you can keep up when you go back into the water. This may include planking or lying on your back with your legs held up slightly off the floor. Going for a walk can also ensure that your muscles stay in great shape for the upcoming swim challenges. Above all, you will want to make sure that you get back into the water as often as possible. If you have access to a pool, use it. If not daily, then every other day or two. The best way for a swimmer to stay in shape is to stay active in the pool.